Green Audit is a process of systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity of various establishments. It aims to analyze environmental practices within and outside of the concerned sites, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience.

Green audit can be a useful tool for a college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or resources; the college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can also be used to determine the type and volume of waste, which can be used for a recycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of Green impact on campus. If self enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality education, it could also be stated that institutional self enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality educational institution. Thus it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent.


An energy audit is completed at a residential or commercial building to determine its energy efficiency. Simply put, energy efficiency means using less energy to do the same job. The audit will provide you with a complete electricity consumption and energy efficiency assessment.

You can obtain important information regarding your energy usage and Energy Star rating from the audit report. With this information, you can identify and correct any energy usage issues to cut electricity costs. It’s advisable to always undertake an energy audit before implementing a renewable energy system.

energy audit


An environmental audit is a systematic examination to assess a company’s environmental responsibility. It aims to identify environmental compliance, verify environmental responsibility implementation gaps whether they meet stated objectives, along with related corrective actions.

The audit examines the potential hazards or risks posed by the company. Areas examined may include company environmental policies and procedures, energy use practices, recycling, waste, conservation, and pollution. Then, the company can use the results to determine what changes need to be made for compliance.


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